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Social network platform development

Social media is fully integrated into our lives, and we can’t imagine a world without it. Social media is a great way to communicate with friends, meet like-minded people, or promote one’s business. A popular social network generates revenue by placing ads and paid extra functionality. Craftmedia Services creates attractive platforms for all users.


Before creating an app, we analyze the audience, potential risks, and strengths. After that, we determine the core methodology and design a cross-platform social networking platform. We integrate the following necessary functionality into our platforms:

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User profile page


This is a home page of a profile where a person can share essential information about themselves. This page is customizable, so if the user wishes to skip some parts, no problem.



The key functionality of any social network is messaging. We have a built-in messenger with which users can send texts, emojis, stickers, as well as photos and videos.

Secure communication


Our team creates a non-anonymous secure space for people to interact. We make sure that their details, messaging and other private data aren’t hacked. 

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